TOGETHER as a community, we are celebrating 20+ years of sharing the love of Jesus in the City of Federal Way! Thank you so much to EACH of our amazing business sponsors and donors for their support over the past two decades. Your generosity has helped our volunteer leaders build authentic relationships with kids.

Become a part of the FWYL family through an annual sponsorship. We will proudly include you in various promotion materials through our three primary fundraising events: Banquet & Auction (spring), Golf Tournament (August), and the Year-End-Giving Campaign (November/December). In addition, we will include you in our regular communication materials (i.e. digital and hard-copy newsletter, social media posts, etc.

See more details about the different levels of Annual Sponsorship here.


Hole Sponsor $500 (Golf Classic only)

Partner $1,000

Title $2,500

Champion $5,000

Legacy $10,000

Suggested Amounts

Prefer to Give Monthly? - Click Here  (You will be taken to our monthly giving form. This saves cost on the recurring gift.)

Billing info below is only required for one-time donations. 

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GivingFuel Fundraising Software